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When Your Cell Phone Dies (and YOUR Battery is Depleted.

Writer's picture: Tiffany Jo BakerTiffany Jo Baker

I couldn’t figure it out.

Something was draining my cell phone battery at warp speed.

It was only mid-day and I was already getting flashing red battery level warnings.

I didn’t have a charger.

And my phone just died.

I’m sure you can relate (or maybe you are more techie than me and carry a handy portable charging pack!)

Either way, you get it.

In a smartphone, tech-based, connected world, our phones have to stay charged!

Friend, it’s the same with us. We have to stay full.

  1. We only have a limited battery life without needing to recharge.

  2. Some things will drain us faster than others.

  3. Some things will charge us back up faster than others.

I’ve started getting this message on my phone every so often…”It’s been 7 days since you last restarted your phone. We recommended you shut off and restart your phone.”

God instituted a similar manufacturer recommendation in His manual… it’s a sabbath.

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” Genesis 2:2

Today, I want you to think about how you are like a cell-phone…

  1. What drains your battery at warp speed?

  2. What charges your battery?

  3. Are you recharging your battery to 100% daily? Or are you starting on empty?

  4. What are you doing to maintain your battery life and performance every 7 days?

It’s so important we stay full. How do you keep your phone OR yourself charged? I would love to hear (your wins help me stay full and help others to do the same).

Cheering you on, Tiffany Tiffany Jo Baker MA, CLC

P.S. My subscribers get a handy “Charging My Battery” worksheet printable to go with this blog to help stay full when daily life depletes you. P.S.S. You can subscribe here (so you don’t miss the next one.) P.S.S.S. I’d be happy to send you one, just send me a quick email here. P.S.S.S.S Pic is of me and Zoe the puggle recharging:)


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